PIDTC Research Training Grant in Primary Immunodeficiencies h1 >
Two Training Grant awards are made each year to encourage research in transplantation, gene therapy, or outcomes of therapies for primary immune deficiencies (PID); however, applications may be on any aspect of PID.
Trainees or Junior Faculty with two years or less as a faculty member from an eligible PIDTC institution may apply. Applicants from Intramural NIH are not eligible. Successful recipients who remain in eligible trainee status can apply for one additional year of funding immediately following the first year, with a one-page progress report in addition to a renewal application documenting accomplishments made on the research topic. Please inquire about the additional year by 8 months after the award start date to:
The application packet must be sent as a single pdf file and must include:
- Research proposal in NIH grant format with Title and Contact Information, Specific Aims, Background, and Research Plan/Strategy. This should be limited to 3 pages (not counting references), single spaced, Arial 11 font, 0.5 inch margins).
- Letters of support from: Mentor; Training Program Director (if trainee); and Department Chair (documenting sufficient resources and time commitment to complete the project).
- NIH format Biosketch with Other Support.
- NIH biosketch of mentor with Other Support.
- Budget with justification, effort related to project, other commitments, and timeline for completion of studies (1 page).
Funding will provide $25,000 for salary/consumables support through August 31, 2023. Indirect costs of 8% are allowed. Awardees will provide a progress report upon completion and career updates for five years. Attendance at the Annual PIDTC Workshop is expected, at which time a presentation of research accomplishments will be made. Participation in a PIDTC protocol working group is encouraged.
Scoring of Applications
A committee will score each application based on the following criteria:
- 50% Scientific merit of proposal
- 30% Quality of candidate and commitment to the field of primary immune disorders
- 10% Quality of mentor and description of mentorship program
- 10% Potential impact for the field
Please submit inquiries to Dr. Elie Haddad, Chair, PIDTC Research Training Grant Review Committee,