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PIDTC Pilot/Demonstration Project Program

Dates of funding

One year duration beginning September 1, 2022, with option to compete for a second year of funding.

All PIDTC Centers with at least one open IRB-approved PIDTC protocol and at least one patient fully enrolled.

The Pilot/Feasibility Core is a critical component of the PIDTC, funding pilot projects relevant to our mission. Pilot projects pursue innovative topics and/or perform in-depth biological studies using patient samples and data from PIDTC protocols. Pilot investigations may 1) promote discovery in the field resulting in new peer-reviewed publications, 2) “prime the pump” for investigators to pursue additional funding, and 3) maximize the potential for PIDTC projects (current funding cycle for Protocols 6906, Primary Immune Regulatory Disorders (PIRD); 6907, Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID); and 6908, Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)) to generate preliminary data leading to clinical trials with robust mechanistic studies. Applications using samples from PIDTC patients, involving more than one PIDTC site, and/or with potential to expand to multiple institutions receive priority.

In keeping with the size of the award and the pilot nature of the projects supported, we expect studies proposed for funding to be limited in scope and intended to fuel future investigations. The application must include a timeline of the study(ies) to be supported by the award and distinguish the pilot funded study(ies) from future directions.

$50,000 direct costs plus applicable indirect costs of the investigator’s site. Upon demonstrating sufficient progress during the first 8 months, recipients may request a no-cost extension for a second year. Only one pilot project can be awarded per person.

  • March 18, 2022: Call for applications.
  • April 8, 2022: Deadline for optional letter of intent (up to 500 words) that describes specific aims, hypothesis, and approach. If you are concerned about the appropriateness of the topic or wish early feedback, please submit your letter of intent to PIDTC Senior Program Manager Sharon Kidd at
  • May 2, 2022: Deadline to submit applications; send as an electronic pdf file to Sharon Kidd at
  • Application must include:
    • Letter of support from PIDTC site PI.
    • Application (up to 3 pages excluding references, single spaced, Arial 11 font, 0.5 inch margins).
    • NIH grant format with: i) Specific Aims; ii) Significance; iii) Innovation; and iv) Approach.
    • NIH format Biosketch with Other Support.
    • Budget with justification and timeline for completion of studies (1 page).
  • June 8, 2022: Notification of award. The Review Committee will provide brief feedback to all applicants.
  • September 1, 2022: Start date.
  1. The purpose of this Pilot/Demonstration Project is to facilitate development of new approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and predictors of outcome for patients with primary disorders of immunity that are under study in the PIDTC. Proposed studies should demonstrate a relationship or synergy with current or future goals of PIDTC.
  2. Studies that take advantage of patients, samples, tissues or data associated with ongoing or proposed PIDTC protocols are given high priority.
  3. Proposed studies may be prospective or retrospective.
  4. Development of new assays or biomarkers is encouraged.
  5. Ideally, results should lead to larger studies/applications within the PIDTC.
  6. Multi-institutional projects that involve at least 2 PIDTC centers are encouraged.
  7. Awardee must present a 1-2-page progress report, either at the end of the research year, or if applying for a second year, 8 months following the start date of the award.
  8. Awardee must attend the Annual PIDTC Scientific Workshop (in 2023) to present research in progress.
  9. Awardee is expected to participate on one of the PIDTC protocol working teams (PIRD, SCID or CGD).